I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get a little crazy, like I’m running in too many directions at once. This month has felt frenetic in our house, maybe because my kids are barely sleeping one day, then sleeping really late another day, and it seems like they’re constantly shouting or crying or fighting. Or whining.
With all that, it’s been hard sometimes this month for my husband and me to get up and get going in the morning. I suspect this is partly because of all the ways that the various eclipses and retrogrades recently are affecting the energy on our planet, making everyone who is sensitive to such energy (children, me, and my husband, for example) feel “off.” Mike and I ache a lot recently. We’re sleepy or excitable or agitated by turns. We’re starving one minute, then repulsed by the idea of food the next minute.
To be honest, it’s been a challenge for me to find time to work on YoSaL or to meditate or even to do readings for other people—many of whom have been asking about the inexplicable agitation and fear they’ve been sensing—so I’ve been doing those things probably only about every other day for the past couple of weeks. Just when I most need to be journaling and communicating with Spirit to keep myself grounded and calm, I have the most difficult time doing that. I feel like I don’t have enough time to write to you all, to share with you.
But then, in sitting down, I can’t seem to stop typing, and I feel a definite pull to my journal entries from last year, when we were amping up to election time and the country felt like it was collectively going crazy. At that time, though, I was at peace, not agitated. The energy I’m picking up on in the past couple of weeks keeps reminding me of that time, and I kept being called back to these journal entries. I find that when I can’t seem to take the time to meditate and ground, and get in touch with my guides daily, I frequently get pulled back to my old journal entries, and I usually find an answer there.
In that vein, I was interested in seeing again what my guides shared with me last year, to see if I could gain some clarity from it. So, let’s take a look.
8 August 2016
During my visualization this AM, focusing on sharing & feeling Mother Earth’s energy, I got this [message while envisioning myself in my goal of traveling the world]:
Travel [with] a purpose—yes, for learning & new experiences, but also talk to people—authors whose books you’ve edited. Ask them to show you around. If they [are working on] projects … ask how you can help. [People] love to show off their homelands and find support for efforts they love. Remember [a particular] story [you found inspirational]. Take long shots. Don’t be afraid to ask. The worst that can happen is they will say no—no to taking care of your kids while you travel, or no to leading you around the local places, but that’s no different final result from if you don’t even try.
You will use your money to benefit others and travel. You will go everywhere—all the places you’ve wanted to go, and more you have never known about, and a hundred places in between. Your passport will be full of stamps, your heart full of joy.
You need to travel to all of these places, and Mother Earth needs you to [go to] these places. You will travel.
9 August 2016
Nostalgic & a little nearly weepy. Feel like something’s coming to an end. Sitting on porch in mornings in summer has reminded me of mornings … when I was very young.
[With The Miracle Morning and our personal development, Mike and I] are on a journey of discovery together, and it is beautiful. It feels so different, and yet, probably no one else can see it, share it, recognize it, feel it. It’s like having internal reconstructive surgery—you feel completely different as everything’s fixed/restored, but all anyone else can see is the outside, which is barely changing.
So if we’re moving forward, why the nostalgia and weepiness? Am I simply reconnecting with my roots, healing those connections that had atrophied?
Why does this year keep bringing back memories of my childhood? …
Maybe I’m healing things I hadn’t realized needed healing.
Wednesday 10 August 2016
This morning, joy as I watch the dawn light grow brighter and cause the mist to glow golden beyond the orchard. Peace.
Discomfort causes me to grow, to question, to improve.
The crickets & birds sing a soothing song, an owl calls a greeting to the sun. I breathe deeply of the morning coolness and moisture and feel energized. This land has helped heal me, and I have helped heal it. We love each other. The trees send tendrils of thanks to me, for nurturing, loving, touching, speaking, singing to and for them. And I thank them for their steadiness, the nourishment they provide.
As the sun crests the taller trees in the distance, we lift our hearts to the light and quiet ourselves as we offer thanks for the life-giving rays.
Thursday 11 August 2016
Part of TMM is scribing. Normally, I have something to write about, whether something I’ve read or that I’m planning.
Today, nothing, so I leave my hand free to write whatever my subconscious mind chooses. This is what I will do when I have nothing “set” to write about:
You are infinite. You are wisdom. You are love. You are enough. Trust in yourself. Trust in us [too vast for me to describe the image/impression I’m getting (of “us”)]. Simply trust. Be. Love. Do. You do well. You are doing well, exactly what you should be doing. Love yourself, trust yourself. We are with you at all times, guiding, loving, trusting you. Together, we make a difference. Together, we shape the world. Together, we are love. We are form. We are substance. [I asked who, specifically, was speaking to me:] Who I am is not important. We are. You and I. “You” does not exist as you imagine it. You are so much greater than that image of “you.” You are me, the universe, God, the I AM.
You are enough.
You are all. You are love.
You want to travel in this form? Travel. Simply know that you are traveling. Not some hazy belief, “Someday I will travel.” Someday never comes. Every day is today. Say, “Today, I travel,” and it will be so. Yes, your brain is thinking of linear time. Don’t. “Today, I travel.” Today is all days. It is connected. What happens today happens tomorrow, happens yesterday.
Today is now. “Now I travel. Now I am rich. Now I help others. Now I am love. Now I am God.” You stop at that, you pause. So afraid of your greatness. But we all are God. You accept this and know this but hate to say it of yourself. Don’t be afraid any longer. You are God. Not just divine, but creator. Created. The creator who creates itself. You are not simply on a journey; you are the journey. Like a dreamscape, which is pure thought, a journey can change itself. Change yourself if you like. If you want aspects of you [the journey, meaning what I conceive of as mind, body, plus outer world, time, place] to change, change them. You are the world. You can go and be anywhere. You abide by the laws of matter, but you create and change matter. You are energy. You are thought. You are God.
Sometimes the Universe keeps telling me I should do a certain something, and I say, “No, Universe, I’m not really ready for that yet.” But then it keeps saying, “Yes, you are, and I’ll keep sending this your way until you seriously consider it instead of rejecting it out of fear. And remember you keep saying you’re going to take advantage of opportunities the Universe sends your way. Well …?”
*sigh* Why does my conduit with the Universe have to take that smartass tone?
Friday 12 August 2016
Going outside every day to do part of TMM in the dawn and sunrise. Year-Ahead reading said I should go outdoors to heal. …
As I’m reading text that my spirit recognizes as deep spiritual truths, I’m crying, as I did back in 2010. I’d not done it for a long time. I’m not sure [why] I had closed myself off to that level of knowing, [perhaps because I was] caught up in day-to-day survival. … But I am getting back on my main path after a small “day trip”—of that I am certain.
As I look over those journal entries, I see it, finally. It took me three days of considering them, to be entirely honest. I was so stressed and focused on wanting to relax that I couldn’t see it. I had to keep coming back to these entries again and again. They all have one of two messages. The first message is that I have the power to change my thinking, and my thinking is what changes my reality. The second is that nature heals me.
I know both of these things. I’ve known them for years. But sometimes, I forget to put them into practice. I’m guessing you do the same—you know exactly what you need to do, but you forget it. I’m not talking about simply thinking you don’t have time for it, but actually forgetting to even consider that this works.
Sitting quietly in nature is my shortcut to feeling better, to getting calm and focused, yet I so often forget that I can just sit outside for five minutes to feel better. How in the world can I forget that?
Well, for starters, I spend most of my day closed inside a room, connected to an electronic device that keeps me connected to other people and their fears and worries. I don’t get to go outside to walk to my car to drive home. I don’t get the chance to roll down the windows and let the wind blow everyone else’s troubles out of my aura. Because I don’t go to an office to work with other people now, I forget to protect myself against others’ energies and to do the things I used to do to cleanse myself of that accumulation of energy that is not mine. Yes, it can build up through electronics. Energy is energy; it travels many ways, and people’s emotional energy travels with all the bits and bytes we encounter every day.
All this is stuff becomes immediately clear once I’ve gotten those two messages: I have the power to change my thinking, and nature heals me. When I feel overwhelmed, I need to go outside and let the wind blow away all energies and worries that are not mine. As I sit there, I need to feel the sun on my face and recognize that the sun’s heat burns away the worries and energies that are not helpful. If it’s raining, I need to let the water wash away the worries and the negative energies. And always, the earth itself is there for me to stand on or sit on or lie on. If I simply sit still long enough in contact with the earth, my energetic field will be cleansed.
And with energetic clearing comes mental clearing. It’s all energy, even the physical. Once I’ve let the elements clear away those energies and worries that are not mine, I’m removed from that place of spin. Gone are all the worries, all the psychic energy that I picked up from others, from the media, from social media, from others thoughts and the way they carry themselves, from everything but me. And then I can begin to focus on my thoughts, and I can really begin to work on changing them.
This is the point of a daily meditation practice—to allow me to stay in touch with my Self and to keep my own thoughts free and clear of others’ undue influence. And when I lose track of doing this for myself every day, I need to turn to Nature, who will do this for me, because Nature is full of spirits who can help me, who do help me, especially when I can’t help myself.
How can you do this? When I worked in an office, I would have lunch outside sometimes. At another office, a coworker and I always got really cold because our desks were near an A/C vent, so we would go outside for a fifteen-minute break and soak up the sun, rather like reptiles sunning themselves on rock. Roll the windows down in your car, and turn the radio off. Just make sure that when you’re experiencing the elements, you’re doing it without influence from electronic devices, because they can interfere with the energies coming from the air, the sun, the rain, the earth.
Five minutes, outside, without electronics (that includes the radio). That’s all. That’s all you need.
Have any questions so far? Comment below or email me. I’ll probably turn the response into another blog post.
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