A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned some of the forms that communication with Spirit can take, and how you can initiate contact with Spirit. This week, I want to share with you a couple of very cool experiences I had with Spirit initiating contact with ME. I’m not offering these as a lesson, exactly, but more a conversation starter. I’m a firm believer in people sharing their stories so they can find common ground or discuss meaning—and I really LOVE these two incidents.
First, a little background, in case you’re new to my blog: I’ve actively sought out conversations with (not just talking to/at) my spirit guides and/or angels since I was 19 or 20, and probably even before. I did so sporadically, rather than consistently, and in the several years following, I offered messages to some recently departed loved ones. I even once received comfort directly from a dead friend at his own funeral. All of these were interactions that I initiated. After a health crisis at the age of 29, I underwent the “dark night of the soul.” My very active and hectic life slowed down of necessity, and I began a more consistent exploration of conversations with Spirit—more instinctually than intentionally, I think. This began my practice of actively listening for messages—allowing Spirit to speak first, rather than the other way around. THEN I was sometimes able to “hear” nudgings from Spirit without actively listening. Then I became a mother, and finding time to listen for Spirit became difficult enough; less feeling or hearing unbidden nudgings from Spirit became even more challenging. But then came a really cool experience, in February 2015.
Image by rawpixel from Pixabay
I was sitting at my desk, totally engrossed in work, and “heard” a voice that I interpreted as Self (my oversoul). The conversation went something like this:
Self: You’re pregnant.
Me: No, I’m not.
Self: Yes, you are.
Me: No, I’m not. That’s crazy. It’s just time for me to start my period.
Self: You are [pregnant]. If you don’t believe me, go out and buy a pregnancy test.
Me: Sure, I could, but it would just be a waste of money.
Self: Fine, don’t believe me. But you’re still pregnant.
Me: Whatever…
I had long had an irregular menstrual cycle, and my husband and I had been unable to conceive for several years, so I’d gone through years of buying pregnancy tests, only to have my hopes dashed, and I had experienced two miscarriages before finally carrying my daughter to term. At this point, she was two and a half years old. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant, but I also wasn’t trying to prevent it, knowing I’d be content either way. On the day that conversation happened, I had been experiencing uncomfortable PMS symptoms and was waiting—impatiently, given the discomfort—for “Aunt Flo” to make her appearance, and I figured some part of me was getting impatient and jumping to hopeful conclusions, as it had so often before.
Roughly a week later, I still had not purchased a pregnancy test, and “Aunt Flo” still hadn’t arrived. Yet again, I was working at my computer when suddenly, an image of a fetus popped into my mind, and I heard an exuberant child’s voice announce, “I’m here!” as the image floated there in my mind. I felt a little bowled over by the energy.
I quickly recorded the incident in my journal, noting, “Either I’m full of wishful thinking or I’m getting clear communication.”
The next day while my husband and I were grocery shopping, I remembered these two encounters, and I decided to buy a pregnancy test, figuring I’d lose a few dollars, but at least I’d put my mind to rest and could go back to waiting impatiently for Aunt Flo.
The test was positive. I somewhat grudgingly told Spirit, “Okay, you were right, of course. I’m sorry I doubted you.” I don’t think I received a verbal response, but more the feeling like my Self was looking down at me smugly, like a cat when you give it its way after refusing for days.
And four years later, my son is just as exuberant, energetic, loud, and in-your-face as he was the first time he announced his presence to me with that “I’m here!”
So, what I want to know is… Do you have experience with Spirit contacting YOU first? How did it go? Did you believe what you heard/what was going on, or did you doubt at first, like I did?
My Story: My Year of Shadow and Light
Audio/Video (YouTube)
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