I have seen so much change in my attitude and productivity levels after a simple modification of one habitual phrase that I encourage you to take some time to be very conscious of the things you say to yourself and to others, both aloud and in the privacy of your head. And ask yourself how the things you’re saying affect you. And then consider, If the words affect you negatively, how can you change them into something more positive?
The overall energy of October is represented by the rune Ehwaz (Movement, Progress). We have done the work in the past few months of getting...
Five months ago, I shared my shelter-in-place reading list, and it was pretty darn popular, so I thought I’d share with you what I’ve read...
Y’all… It’s been a crazy couple of weeks in my life—and that’s aside from all the stuff going on in the rest of the world....
As I’ve been developing and doing even more readings and healing sessions in the past few months, I’ve naturally been working more directly with my...
I just finished a 40-minute workout and feel what I like to call melty. This is a state of happy muscles and happy mind. I...
Although I often mention my Miracle Morning and discuss it freely in my blog posts, I realized last week that although I have gone into...
I know what you’re probably thinking: A love letter to money? For real? Yes, for real. Like most humans (it appears), I have a complicated...
Fear. Panic. Finger-pointing. Obfuscation. Control. One morning last week, I was considering the state of everything. In my (purposefully limited) time on social media,...